Every drop counts
Your generosity is vital to fulfilling our mission of protecting the surface water of the Pigeon River Watershed.
Membership Benefits Include:
Get to Know Your Watershed Hikes and Wildflower Walks
Annual Summer Picnic
Annual Member Meeting and Holiday Dinner
More coming Summer 2023
To Join or Renew, fill out the adjacent form. If you need assistance or would like to pay by check/cash, email or call us at 828-476-4667
For every dollar donated, we are able to leverage an additional $17.46 through grants and matching donations.
How much you would like to contribute is up to you. You can donate one time or setup a recurring donation.
If you need assistance or would like to pay by check/cash, email or call us at 828-476-4667
Memorial Fund
If you would like to raise donations in memory of a loved one, email us at preston@haywoodwaterways.org to start the process.
We can establish a fund that is restricted to an area of work such as Education, Restoration, Monitoring, or General Support.