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Watershed Planning

To conduct restoration projects at any scale, a plan must be in place to identify priority areas for potential preservation and restoration projects within the watershed. These priority areas generally contain inadequate buffers, eroding streambanks, and are sources of nonpoint source pollution and sedimentation. 

Upper Pigeon Flood Planning

Timeframe | June 2023 - May 2025
  • Haywood County

  • Town of Canton

  • Town of Clyde

  • Haywood Soil and Water Conservation District

  • Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy

  • Conservation Fund of NC

  • NC Wildlife Resources Commission

  • ​NC Deptartment of Transportation

Funding Source | NC Land and Water Fund
Amount Awarded | $250,000
Scope of Work

The purpose of this project is to begin previously identified shovel-ready projects in the area of the county at greatest risk for future flooding, the Upper Pigeon River and the Upper Hominy Creek watersheds - specifically: Stakeholder outreach/meetings, Compile watershed land-use and resource data, GIS analysis, On-the-ground assessments, Decision support tool development, Develop prioritized list of future projects, Develop list of BMPs/typical treatments, Landowner outreach, Pre-design/design work on top priority projects to achieve 'shovel ready.'


In August 2021, Tropical Storm Fred devastated many communities in Haywood and Transylvania Counties. In Haywood County, within the Pigeon River watershed, six people died and over 400 structures were destroyed or damaged, including Canton's Town Hall. Canton’s drinking water treatment plant and Evergreen Packaging’s wastewater treatment works were also flooded and farmers lost their crops, and businesses were closed. In September 2004, Hurricanes Frances and Ivan delivered similar destruction. Project partners agree Haywood County needs to reduce flood risk, increase resiliency, reduce stormwater pollution, protect water quality, and conserve farmland.

Upper Pigeon Flood Risk Reduction

Timeframe | October 2023 - October 2025
  • Town of Canton

  • Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy

  • Haywood County Soil and Water Conservation District

  • Town of Clyde

Funding Source | NC Land and Water Fund
Amount Awarded | $2,000,000
Scope of Work

Project partners agree Haywood County needs to reduce flood risk, increase flood resiliency, reduce stormwater pollution, protect water quality, and conserve farmland to lessen the impact to life and property from the next flood event. The purpose of this project is multifaceted; to partner with the Town of Canton to establish engineered flood storage, secure a clean water intake source that also provides additional community benefits, complete previously identified shovel-ready projects to stabilize river banks, and conduct conservation easements and land acquisitions in the area at greatest risk for future flooding, the Upper Pigeon River and the Upper Hominy Creek watersheds. Both of these watersheds were severely impacted during the 2004 and 2021 flood events and hold the highest potential for future flooding events and similar outcomes.This project will continue the efforts from the Upper Pigeon Flood Planning project.


A secure water intake source for the Town of Canton will be completed, one that hedges against major flooding along and throughout the Pigeon River. In addition, additional/new flood storage will be explored to further reduce physical and economic impacts downstream of Canton during moderate - major flood events, coupled with the multi use component of using these acquired properties as recreation sites (greenway, park space, rec fields) for the community that also provides educational opportunities to those who interact with the site; via educational signage and workshops held on site. Streambank restoration will occur where applicable, to ensure flooding resilience along the Pigeon River.

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